Luís Santos (All We Are)
Luís Santos is the Brazilian guitarist in Liverpool's All We Are, and has been ripping on an Airline 59 Coronado as one of his...
Oct 17 2019
Simonne Jones
Simmone Jones is a singer, songwriter and producer who's been playing an Airline Jetsons 59 1P as her main guitar for a good while now....
Oct 17 2019
The Blinders
The Blinders are a hot new band from Manchester, UK, and both their guitarist and bassist have toured with our guitars. The Blinders are...
Jun 19 2019
Diego García
Diego Garcia is the singer and guitarist with Madrid's top garage rockers The Parrots, and a long time fan of the Airline 59 2P....
Apr 09 2019
Drunk Mums
Now that's our kind of band - all guitarists play an Eastwood! Drunk Mums is an Australian band whose both guitarists and also the...
Mar 14 2019
Paul Molloy
Paul Molley is the guitarist in one of Liverpool's most successful bands from the past 20 years - The Coral. The Coral has...
Mar 14 2019
Dean Wareham
Dean Wareham is the singer in guitarist from two seminal New York-based bands - Galaxy 500 and Luna. He's also picked up an Airline...
Feb 22 2019