Porter Dowdy of Seven Year Witch

Porter Dowdy

Porter Dowdy is a guitarist for Seven Year Witch - Rock 'n' Roll from Anderson, South Carolina.

Airline Artist Porter Dowdy


The backwoods of South Carolina isn't one's first thought when it comes to a modern shock to the heart of rock 'n' roll.

Straight out of left field with an electrifying hybrid of hard rock, blues-punk, and 70's garage rock, Seven Year Witch emerges with enough stage energy to feed a generation starved of real rock n' roll. After years of performing under a different name, the group unveiled the Seven Year Witch title in 2018. The band's reception exploded regionally, as they began to share the stage with the likes of Buckcherry, P.O.D, Tom Keifer's Cinderella, Pop Evil, and Crobot.

Seven Year Witch

With no big city fluff and proudly independent, Seven Year Witch continues to develop a cult-like following. The band frequents an east coast and Midwest circuit, all the way from Texas to Canada and anywhere in between. The group has been featured in South Carolina's most notable festivals (Fall For Greenville, Spittoono, Melting Pot Music Fest) and countless biker rallies and events. Having battled poverty and the scrutiny of rock n' roll in the bible belt, Seven Year Witch has cut their teeth and made their own luck.

Watch a Video:

Instruments Played:

Airline Guitars Jetsons '59 2P Gold Metallic

More Info:

🌍 Website: www.sevenyearwitch.com

📸 Instagram: @portergocrazyboy

📘 Facebook: Porter Dowdy

🎸 Facebook: Seven Year Witch

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